An app to audit demential specific design

Dementia Choices was a design that flourished from limitations

The design was one of the first I’ve done with Salesforce’s Lightning design system in mind. Traditionally used for customer relationship management (CRMs) it was adopted to create an app that catered to auditors in the field whether they were affiliated with an aged care or just someone looking to determine a suitability of a location.

Adapting a predominanlty desktop first design system into a app was a challenge with many elements having to be reconfigured to fit the responsive nature.

The Problem

With the growing number of individuals affected by this condition, the need for dementia-friendly environments has never been more critical. Therefore, the development of an app specifically designed for dementia design audits is of utmost importance.

This app would allow professionals in the field to conduct comprehensive assessments of various environments, such as hospitals, care facilities, and public spaces, to ensure they are optimized for individuals with dementia. By providing a structured framework, the app would guide auditors in evaluating crucial aspects including wayfinding, lighting, signage, and layout design, all while considering the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals with dementia.

The Thinking

I was taught to be human centric in my designs thinking about the environment a potential user would be, what they are thinking and feeling. Interestingly, my users were also doing the same, thinking about spaces that promote safety, independence, and overall well-being for those living with dementia. In a way this was accelerating my understanding in designing for a service and an environment. How does one promote a healthy space for those with dementia and in turn how do I design an app empowering those users.

Limited to a specific design language I was tasked with developing a audit survey, taking in consideration of not only the user interface but the language used in the questions, presenting specific help information and promoting actions paths to other products.


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